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Varotis loyalty program
Varotis Cashback
Exchange and Refund
Product warranty
How does the fidelity program work?

Subscribers earn points with the purchase of consumables in their usual stores. With the points, they can buy lots with the option of topping up with cash if necessary. Customers must subscribe to the START or PREMIUM offer and scan their receipt to have points credited to their account. There's also a sponsorship system.

How can I join the loyalty program?

Customers must subscribe to the START or PREMIUM offer to be enrolled in the loyalty program.

How can I use my points?

Once your points have been accumulated, you can make a request via the "My Account" page to exchange them for a discount coupon. 1500 Varotis points = 100CHF discount on the Varotis online store.

Can I exchange my points for cash?

No, under no circumstances can points be exchanged for cash.

How do I receive cashback?
  1. Use our search engine to find your favorite store. This will take you to the partner store's page.
  2. By clicking on the "Go to store and cashback" button, a transition page will appear. A cookie is then placed in your browser. This cookie contains information necessary for the partner store to track your purchase and for you to receive your cashback following your transaction.
  3. Shop as usual by adding your items to the basket and completing your order.
  4. The online store then checks your order and validates your cashback. It usually takes 24 hours before the cashback is confirmed. This step is necessary to prevent the commission from being paid illegally.
  5. If the items are not returned, the store pays the commission to Varotis. The cashback is then credited to your account. Once you've earned CHF 20 in cashback, you can request payment into your bank account by clicking on the "Pay cashback into my account" button.
Can I exchange or obtain a refund for items purchased from the Varotis online store?

Items purchased from the Varotis online store are neither exchangeable nor refundable, except in the case of "unpacking failure" or non-receipt of products confirmed by the shipment tracking number.

Are products purchased with points refundable?

No, products purchased totally or partially with points are not refundable.

What happens if I receive a defective or damaged product?

If you receive a defective or damaged product, please make a claim by contacting info@varotis.com.

What is the warranty on new products?
New products come with a 1-year warranty under Swiss law.
What is the warranty on refurbished products?

Varotis offers its subscribers a 6-month warranty on refurbished products purchased from the Varotis online store.

What happens if I want to make a claim?

You can make a claim in the event of unpacking or non-receipt of products by contacting us at: support@varotis.com.

What are the delivery times?

We make every effort to deliver products within 5 working days of receiving your order. However, there may be delays due to unforeseen conditions.

How much does delivery cost?

Delivery charges are 9.95CHF per order. Of course, these costs can be offset against your points.

How can I track my order?

Once your order has been shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number so that you can follow the progress of your package.

How does it work?

Customers can sponsor their friends and family. When the sponsoree registers, he or she must enter the sponsor's e-mail address to receive the reward. Bonus points will be credited to their account when their referral makes their first purchase using the points system, or pays their first monthly subscription fee, within 10 days.

How many points can I earn by referring friends?

The sponsor will receive a credit of 200 Varotis points on his/her customer account within 10 days.

Do bonus points expire?

No, bonus points do not expire and can be used to purchase prizes at any time.

Do the conditions of use apply to sponsorship?

Yes, the terms of use also apply to the referral system. Please consult the terms of use page of the website.

How many people can I sponsor?

You can sponsor up to 10 people and earn up to 2,000 bonus points.

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